British Light Cavalry Sword by Wilkinson No 7373


British Cavalry Sword by Wilkinson No 7373 early number the register states purchased by Roome light cavalry, November 1855 : Colonel P. Roome served in Turkey during the war in the Crimea in 1855-56, with the Osmanli Irregular Cavalry (Bashi-Bazouks) as Captain in Turkey. Served in the Indian mutiny campaign, and was present at the storm and capture of the fortified village of Row Hill, the siege and capture of the rebel fort of Awah, siege storm and capture of Kotah in 1858; present during the operations of the brigade under Brigadier Smith in Central. The sword is in found condition regulation hilt with fish skin grip worn and complete with officer knot. The blade slightly curved with good early deep engraving VR Crown and floral decoration, with makers details Henry Wilkinson and the spin number 7373 no scabbard. Large sword over all length 106cm the blade 90cm

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